Saturday, May 26, 2012

Isn't it ironic?

A few weeks ago I was on the phone with my mom talking about how great it was that I didn't end up having to use much of the medicines that I brought to Australia. Aside from a little cold I hadn't been sick here at all and with 6 weeks left I thought I had cheated the "being sick while abroad" curse.

Turns out I didn't.

I had a great week spent going to Sydney Fashion Weekend and checking out a bunch of pubs and clubs around the Sydney Harbour. I even managed to scoop up a pair of gorgeous heels and designer shorts from the fashion show for under $80 and get a research paper for my history class done that week too!

me in my fierce designer outfit haha

Then last Friday my friend Julie and I attended A Gershwin Tribute performed by the Sydney Symphony Orchestra in the Sydney Opera House. Yes, we were actually INSIDE the opera house. Amazing. And the music was phenomenal. It was really beautiful and I'm super glad we went. I even managed to snap a few pics while the stage directors weren't watching (no photos were allowed in there.. psshhtt, like they could get past me and my camera!)

Then my luck started to dwindle. I started getting the chills during the concert which I assumed was from the AC. But they continued and I started coughing my lungs out all over the city afterwards. It was like my body was trying to stop me fro breathing. So when I got home I made some tea and toast and went to bed hoping I swiped out the nasty bug. I woke up Saturday morning with a high fever and felt like I wanted to roll over and die. I was as sick as a dog and turned to home remedies and cold medicine to help out. When I woke up on Monday I STILL had a fever so I wobbled down to the bus stop and went down to the clinic here at Uni.

When I finally got in to see a doctor I found out my temperature was 39.7 degrees Celsius aka 103 degrees Fahrenheit aka I was in trouble. After checking me out the doctor said I probably had pneumonia. PNEUMONIA, SERIOUSLY? I immediately panicked because the only things I had ever heard about pneumonia were bad things plus I was completely alone and knew that I had a huge group project for Marketing due the next day that I hadn't finished. So as I was being transported to a local hospital I texted my group about the situation and hoped that I would be out before the day was through.

As luck would have it I got to be transported by ambulance. No sirens or anything but again to me ambulances never had good memories attached so that wasn't fun, neither was being in the ER with 10 doctors staring at me while having to convert my weight and everything into metric (110 pounds is 50kg for those who don't know). After that I basically spent the day being hooked up to needles, having xrays, taking blood and being pumped with fluids. Finally at around dinner time the Dr. Lam (his name always made me giggle inside cause all I could think of was Mary had a little Lamb - oh man ahaha) anyways Dr. Lam decided that I should stay overnight just because my fever was still very high.

I stayed in that hospital from Monday til Friday afternoon. I was kept for the first half because of my fever and the second half because the medicine I was on wasn't doing anything so they changed it to a stronger antibiotic. Oh and TV was $5 a day, how lucky was I? Surprisingly I think I did pretty well being there all alone, and I had some friends visit as well and if any of them are reading this I want them to know that I appreciate everything they did for me! Really though without them I would've been a sad lonely American students with pneumonia. Haha. Oh and I wanna thank my adorable housemates for leaving me this to come home to, it's so cute how caring they are, I really got lucky with them.

Thankfully I am now home and have 14 days of antibiotics to get through so I'm trying to get as much rest as possible so I can finish off the work for my last 2 weeks of classes and get better so I can finish off everything on my Australian Bucket List. I have 34 days, THIRTY FOUR DAYS, to accomplish everything and I still have pneumonia soooo that makes deadlines even tighter.

Until I get better my life will be filled with movies, gatorade, medicine, and gallons of chicken noodle soup. Just wanted to blog about another wonderful experience I've had here in Australia; I've done so many things completely on my own and now I can say that I can go to the hospital all by myself, even though I hope I won't be by myself next time. Gotta look on the bright side, at least this didn't happen the week I have to go back to the States!


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