Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The birdies sound like monkeys!

Yesterday was the day I finally got to Australia and from what I've seen so far, it's beautiful!

If the only the traveling had been as beautiful.. don't get me wrong, my first two flights from Syracuse to Chicago to LA were alright but of course the flight with the longest travel time would be the most hectic. Let me fill you in on this wonderful time! So Alexis and I landed in LA right on time and headed over to the terminals to start boarding our plane. It was a 747 so it was HUGE, like literally there were probably hundreds of people on that thing. Anyways, our flight was booked to leave at 10:15PM on the 19th and get to Sydney around 8:00AM on the 21st (I still have no idea what was going on February 20th because I was apparently in some weird time warp).

So we get on the plane, and everyone is settled and all of sudden the captains come on the loud speaker and says "sorry but the navigation unit in this plane isn't working and we have to bring in a part from San Francisco.. we'll be delayed about 2 hours" At this point my friend and I were beyond exhausted and I was already ticked from having to sit in front of a Canadian woman who was beyond drunk (yet she kept ordering Pinot Grigios anyway) so we decided to get off the plane for the time being and rest in the terminal. We finally took off at 12:30AM and even though I did sleep on and off for about 5 hours that was a pretty tedious flight. Also, airplane food is gross, always.

Once we landed and got our bags, we got picked up by a shuttle to head over to Macquarie Village. I was hoping to pass through the city but I did see the skyline which was amazing! When I got there I was able to go check out my new apartment. I'll be honest, it's not as nice as my townhouse at Bonaventure and not completely worth $250 a week BUT I do have a nice sized room and my own bathroom. I have 4 other roommates and still have only met 2, Alex and Ben. Apparently there are 2 girls living here as well but I haven't seen them yet so who knows! I'll have pictures to follow soon on my tumblr site imgointoaustrliamate.tumblr.com!

I was so exhausted from traveling the past two days but went and explored the insanely large campus with a friend. We also stopped to get some food at the campus supermarket, which Alex later told me was way too expensive so that was wonderful. That's another thing... out of the five of us in this house only two of us are exchange students so it's nice to get advice from the locals. Everyone here is SUPER laid back as well. There's this super carefree attitude in the air and it's really relaxing. I'm just interested to see what happens when classes start next Monday.

I have my main orientation today from 10-4 so that's pretty exciting. Until then I'm enjoying a nice bowl of Rice Bubbles (which thank goodness taste the same as Rice Krispies lol)

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