Friday, February 17, 2012

T-Minus 3 Days to Take Off

As of right now I'm sitting on top of a mountain of clothes, eating a three cheese burrito from mighty taco (my favorite) and watching House Hunters. Sure, I'm leaving the country for five months on Sunday and I still have a ton of preparing and packing to HELLO why not start writing my blog now, right?
Me inside my suitcase... clearly ready for take off.

But really, I've been staring at my open suitcase for a couple hours now and haven't moved (HGTV kills me).

So why don't we start with a little history about how my crazy old self got here? WELL, last year, 3 of my good friends from Bonaventure studied abroad together in Perugia, Italy and were having such a good time. I wasn't interested in going to Europe, but I was pretty jealous of the good times they were having, even though me and my roommate Jenna had just as much fun eating goodies and watching Sex & the City everyday in our dorm room (ahem). In that light, I decided that I wanted to study abroad too, in Australia.

I had always wanted to visit the country since I watched Mary Kate and Ashley have an adventure there in the classic movie "Our Lips are Sealed" (if you haven't seen it, watch it and you'll understand). So I thought to myself, what a great time to make my 11 year old dream come true! It also proved to be an amazing opportunity to gain some international experience in the marketing field... ultimately making me an even more amazing prospective employee to my dream employer, Mickey Mouse. Yes it's my dream to work for the Disney corporation but that's another blog, another story.

ANYWAYS, so yeah, Australia, huge experience, huge international university, oh and did I mention the huge loans I had to take out for this trip? LIVING. IN. AUSTRALIA. IS. NOT. CHEAP. and I'm not even there yet! But on the bright side I'm absolutely determined to make this a completely worthwhile experience and when I become a successful businesswoman, I'll be sure to put the loan payments to rest, no worries ;).

Aside from going to Canada once or twice when I was a kid, I have never traveled outside the country so this experience is totally new. Don't get me wrong, I just danced around my room in excitement, but I'm terrified of my 13 hour plane ride from LA to Sydney. I've flown a million times before but flying over the ocean is whole different story for me... tips for traveling are MORE than welcome. Really.

After working like a maniac for the past two months, I am finally 3 days away from leaving and still not packed. So I'm going to end this post and get to work.

Stay tuned for more updates!!

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