Sunday, February 26, 2012

Final Days of "O" Week: Part 1

Let me just start off by saying that I feel like I need to update my blog everyday because its so tiring to think of everything I've done the past couple days... wow that made me sound like a snot, haha.

Anyways, this week has been ALOT of fun. Wednesday night I hung out with my housemates and we all went out to this local pub/dance club called The Ranch which is basically Pure Nightclub in Buffalo meets old MyBar at Bonaventure (sorry if you old people dont get the references). It was really fun and another thing I discovered was that the village provides a small van that brings students back and forth from the apartments to The Ranch... kind of like the "drunk bus" at school, but it only fits 13 people at a time, and believe me... if you don't run and push through the insane crowds of students, you are NOT getting on that bus. It's absolutely bonkers but going there is a good time. Apparently Wednesday nights in Australia are like our Thursdays here if you catch my drift.

Friday was the "Tight and Bright Party" so me and a few friends went to the shopping centre to pick up some crazy neon colored outfits.. like these! 

Me, Karee, and our matching skirts!

The party was alot more fun than I expected. I think it's because at Bonaventure, whenever we have theme parties or anything corny like that no one goes to them or goes all out and dresses up for the festivities much (except for Halloween or something like that). But here everyone is so carefree and these people LOVE to go all out for this kind of stuff, which is great!

The Village set up this crazy blow up fighting ring, had a watermelon eating contests, gave away free redbull AND free wine and beer (cheap, but anything free here is a steal!). They also had TONS of free pizza which compared to New York pizza is surprisingly delicious, and I've been craving it ever since.

Yesterday I went to famous Bondi Beach with my friends and it was beautiful! The water was nice and cool and the view was spectacular, the atmosphere was just amazing. It's kind of funny... all week everyone had been telling us to lather up on sunscreen because Australia is right below the hole in the ozone layer. So being from a place where summer lasts 3 months, I didn't take them too seriously. So when I put on sunscreen for the beach I just kind of quickly slapped enough of it on to pass and OH MAN was I naive. Once we got off the beach I had sunburn along my neck and in random blotches all over my body where I had missed putting sunscreen on. It looked so awkward. But for the time being I brushed it off and experienced my first chicken sandwich at this fast food place called Otropo. SO GOOD.

Tomorrow begins the first week of classes and I'm pretty excited. I loved having 3 months off from school, but I kind of miss class (of course I'll be regretting that statement in a week). It also starts "O" Week Part 2 here at Macquarie for everyone. Theres going to be movies and tons of social events, and I can finally sign up for clubs too... my friend Karee told me there's this organization called the Wang Club where all the members just hold wang bbqs. By the way, here "wangs" refer to sausages that you eat, so get your minds out of the gutter people! Haha. 

I'm super pumped for this semester and all the good times ahead. Write more later!

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