Monday, March 26, 2012


Well.... Loose Change Menu to be exact. Still though do you realize how much cheaper it is now for me to get some protein?! Do you also realize how disgusting it is that I rely on double cheeseburgers for protein? Hahaha it's really not that intense, but still... pretty exciting milestone for Macca's!

Today marked my second day as an intern at Novotel Darling Harbour; which consisted of me doing a competitor analysis. I've learned about doing these in my past marketing classes but have never done one in real life so to be honest I wasn't too confident that I was actually going to do the right thing.

Six hours and five hotel analysis later, I did it, and according to the Sales Manager I did a WONDERRRFULLL job! (hahaha) So that was pretty awesome. I go back on Thursday and I'm really excited about continuing. I mean I had no previous interest in working for a hotel but this tourism thing is really catching on. I love the fact that I'm going to be able to experience and learn more about marketing from a corporate perspective. Plus it will for sure help in the future when I'm hopefully-crossing-my-fingers working for Disney. Ugh, dream job.

Anyway, the hotel is right across from Sydney's Maritime Museum and as I was walking over the bridge this morning I noticed this huge Titanic Exhibit poster! It's been 100 years since the sinking and the museum is... celebrating?.. by hosting an exhibit with props and things from the movie! And its only $7! Totally not going to pass that up!

Mid semester break starts next Friday ALREADY. Where did the time go? I leave Thursday night for Brisbane and I'm super pumped! I still haven't found anyone else going on the trip but I don't mind, it's my vacation anyways! I just hope I'm over this cold by then... YUP, a cold. For the past few weeks everyone at Uni has been coughing, sniffling, and hacking up lungs, and I've been lucky enough to not catch it, until now. It's only a small cold but I absolutely cannot be sneezing everywhere when I'm scuba diving.. Nemo would NOT appreciate that. (humor haha).

OOH another thing! My friends and I have been looking for other things to do besides going to the beach every Saturday so this past weekend my friend Julie and I went on a hike through on of the parks near the village!

I love exploring all the nature around here so we're definitely planning more of this little trips!

I think that's all the updating I can think of giving you right now. Til next time!


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