Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Total Knock Out


As of yesterday I am now the new Marketing Assistant for Accor's Darling Harbour Hotels in Sydney!

The interview went amazing, my new boss Helen was really impressed with the work I had done with EPIC (thanks Amanda) and my passion for marketing so that was beyond cool. I haven't heard back yet about specific details about the job but I know I'm going to be involved in a lot of different projects. The hotels are in the hot spot of downtown Sydney so that's a bonus too. I honestly can't believe that I can say I have a Marketing job in Australia. Like, how many people my age get to say that? Excuse me for talking about how great I think I am but I've worked so hard to get to where I am today and this is only the beginning. I have goals and I'm not letting anything get in my way of achieving them. I'm really proud of where I am and where I'm going, and anyone who thinks differently can take their ignorance elsewhere.

Okay, cocky rant over. But another thing, I also had an interview with SIFE today for a marketing position so I really really hope they want me to come aboard and share some of my thoughts! It's kind of funny, most people think of Australians as being really similar to Americans but they're really not. I've met a million people from all over the world and it's really kind of cool seeing people's reactions when you tell them you're from America. Especially the Asians! No disrespect but I ADORE how excited the Asians get when I tell them I'm from the states. They get so happy about it, it's so cute! Back onto what I was talking about before though... I really want this SIFE position as well. I'm here to learn...annnddddddd a cool red SIFE Macquarie t-shirt is a plus too ;)

I had my first dinner with almost all of my housemates today, which was actually my first REAL dinner. We had pasta with chicken and pesto, YUMM! I really feel like I got super lucky with the housemates I have. I mean everyone's nice, the boys clean up after themselves, totally chill. I'm really hoping we can all be like a little family before the semester ends. (d'awww!)

I've also been absolutely bombarded with tons of classwork to do. I am currently taking 3 classes, History of Australia, Australian Literature, and Integrated Marketing Communications. I literally have more work to do than I had to do with 6 classes last semester. Total insanity. I don't really mind the work because I do find it interesting but its so hard to sit in the library taking notes out of a textbook when you're living in Australia! Just picture yourself going to Florida and having to sit inside doing homework... see what I mean?

Despite the work I really do like my classes. My IMC lecturer is this adorable little Chinese man who is super super passionate about Marketing and it's SO CUTE! We're also doing this huge project where we have to do a marketing campaign for a mens moisturizer so that should be fun. I'm not too keen on Australian Literature, or any literature class for that matter, but I've gained some interest in being able go sit under a tree at Uni and read a book for class. It's really relaxing. It's also fun because the books I'm reading kind of play into the topics we're learning about in my Australian History class. Never thought I'd be so interested in another country's historic backgrounds, but believe it or not Australian history is almost as cool as American history.... though I'm still biased about those crazy Pilgrims!

So yeah, all in all it's going pretty awesome over here! I miss everyone back home tons and it is officially my amazing little nephew's birthday here so HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANTH MAN! Miss that little man so much!


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